Sunday 8 July 2007

Broken toys

Instant regret dumping some old stuff from my childhood, but at least it got published!

Broken Toys

My broken toys
So full of joys
In place when I was young.
The metal cars
And plastic farms
The years and years of fun.

The Lego bricks -
Magic tricks!
Spirograph pattern swirl.
A Spiromatic
A bit erratic
Belonged to a young girl.

My Cindy and Patch-
No other match
And Paul that broke her heart.
Tiny Tears
Melted away those years
But too soon we had to part.

The plastic track
That I once had
To race my cars along.
Those happy times
My Dad alive
All now have long since gone.

Tressies' hair
When life wasn't fair
A long comfort to comb.
Those memories still raw
For the childhood I long for
Belongs in my old home.

Now Dolly's arms
Are in my palms
The crib where she once slept.
Beside my bed
Where I laid my head

And the many nights I'd wept.

Copyright Linda Lawrence

August 2002

A few tears were shed writing that.

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