Wednesday 12 February 2020



Weve heard it can be infectious
Its catching and contagious!
Want to avoid an epidemic,
Or even a pandemic!
Before it becomes too dangerous.

We enjoy a Chinese takeaway
An Asian holiday or breakaway.
Dont want to feel fluey
After eating chop suey -
You need to keep it at bay.

It's getting a little frightening
Now its reached the shores of Brighton
With a name like Corona -
You dont want to know her!
But we need to be enlightened.

We dont like wearing masks
To us, it would be rather daft!
We dont want to panic
Or let things get manic,
Keep it to yourself, we have to ask.

Some people have looked quite green
And have been kept in quarantine..
And as numbers double
Theres going to be trouble
As we disinfect and clean.

We really dont know the root
Of the virus but know its acute..
Its a new kind of strain
And need to restrain
Dress up in protective suits.

The world is getting nearer
And is becoming clearer
One germ that can spread
For miles and miles, we dread
As more people are looking queerer.

Weve guidelines of isolation
The whole world and its nation.
Just stay inside
Before it spreads nationwide;
Tune in to a good radio station..

We need to put on the brakes
And stop eating our wildlife and snakes!
Think before a snack
Coz they will bite back

Before causing any new outbreaks.

Linda Lawrence
11th February 2020

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