Saturday 19 March 2016

Scot free

What is it about my little black car?
You've hit and run and left deep scars.
It's not the fact you've left your mark
While it sat there safe and nicely parked.

Paintwork scratched and scratched my head
Wish I'd stayed at home in bed!
You did it right behind my back,
I didn't hear the noise of thwack.

You've hurt my feelings and the metal,
I went home, cried, put on the kettle.
You hit me hard, it went quite deep;
You ignored the clean and good upkeep.

I hope your bill is bigger than mine
And hope there isn't a next time.
Perhaps you'll notice the bay's white lines!
But worst of all, you have no spine.

You did much more than your shopping
Didn't you even think of stopping?
To own up and apologise;
You shouldn't be allowed to drive!

Like another you've got away scot free -
Didn't you stop to think of me?
Alone and felt so damn frustrated
And left me feeling violated.

You could've said it wasn't meant
Anyone can have an accident!
My pride is hurt more than my wheels,
I wish you knew how you've made me feel.

19th March 2016