Tuesday 3 June 2014

About those slugs...

Bad news

Bad news about my willies
As it seems they now have perished
Some hungry slimy molluscs
Have enjoyed their little relish.

I was in the running,
Contestants were engaged!
The little bastards saw me coming
Am standing here outraged!

Ive nutured, sung and talked,
Fed and taken great care
It seems I have been stalked!
And for now I spit and swear!

They've nibbled my tomato leaves
Runner beans and other greens,
Those pesky little thieves!
Almost wiped the greenhouse clean.

And now my plants of pepper!
As soon as my back was turned
Am slowly losing my temper!
Just hope those chillies burned....

May 2014

Bloody Slugs

Bloody slugs are such a pain
Because of this persistent rain!
They munch away at all the leaves,
And really are such blatant thieves.
I took a look and had a glance
And saw theyd nibbled at my plants!
All the gardening and hard work,
Now Im pissed off and really irked.
Wait until the Strawberries are red
And leave their gunk on them to spread.
The fruit and veg we put in the ground
Is now full of slug goo drowned
And all the time we patiently planted
The bastards took it all for granted!
The use of pellets to melt the snails,
Now we can hear their cries and wails.
And while it pelts and when it hails
They still leave a path of slimy trails.
The use of saline to make them ail
But will shoot them if all else fails.
There they are in black decay
And back they come to our dismay.
Lots of straw and salt put down
Never seems to keep them away we frown
And all our houses made from glass
Our situation is now impasse.
Of the hedgehogs in the grass
Theyll make them fuckers shit their arse............

May 2014

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