Wednesday 21 September 2022




While the world was on its knees 

The entire globe felt such unease, 

It only took a cough or sneeze 

Terrified of catching this new disease. 


For months on end, we were cautious 

Worried sick, feeling nauseous, 

Cancelled visits, cancelled plans, 

Across the globe from man to man. 


It took many months to feel secure 

And many people are still unsure. 

The legacy has left a huge impact 

In different ways after this attack. 


We pulled together, slowly recovered 

Things out there to be discovered! 

It made most of us so understanding 

To go through life - be less demanding. 


Life cautiously back to what we knew 

Though nobody in the world had a clue 

Slowly but sure, back on our feet 

With mixed emotions now bittersweet, 


We thought it couldn't get any worse

But more to come to bleed our purse. 

Lying in wait a strategic plan, 

Like a game of chess and a conman. 


What was nearly ready, lying in wait, 

Already under much debate. 

Now so much death and deplete 

Blood, debris, lying in the concrete. 


Out there waiting ominously 

A part of the east acts intolerably. 

War crimes committed abominably, 

Ukraine no longer what it used to be. 


Gorbachev will turn in his grave 

The peaceful man who was so brave! 

It was he that put the world at peace 

Berlin ornament on the mantelpiece. 


Towns and cities you have battered, 

Lives of people completely shattered. 

Turned the trades of countries upside down 

Our ways of living turned around. 


The cold war came to a conclusion 

Until a backward plan of collusion. 

These countries -not yours to take back! 

So why create this terrible act? 

Children murdered; women raped.

We’ve saved a few that did escape. 

You cannot put a price on man 

But have no qualms taking their land. 


This pointless war is inhumane, 

You’ll keep on bombing until dust remains. 

Just how much land do you need? 

How long will it last, this dreadful deed? 


They want the freedom of democracy - 

That’s exactly where they want to be! 

Although they won’t give in to defeat, 

Just want their country back on its feet. 


The way they live is what they chose 

Why should they sit back and lose? 

Why should they want to live like you? 

They do not share or like your views. 


You hate the normal way of thinking 

Gathered around their borders without blinking 

Those countries do not belong to you 

Just how far do you intend to go? 


Much further east they are no better 

Think like Russia – to the letter 

Go away and keep your dictatorship 

Warped and corrupted leadership. 


History is repeating itself

Why has this not all been shelved? 

A twisted man on a mission 

Who seeks a countries’ extradition? 


Now in rubble, a country devastated 

This way of thinking is so outdated 

Our neighbours killed - fought for their land 

How far will this go, what else is planned? 


We’ve given arms as guns and sent so far 

Our arms outstretched like a shining star! 

No more transport in a tank car 

Thus, many will perish from afar. 


Food trade halted, they’ll be malnutrition 

Who could enjoy this to happen? 

They can’t be bullied - what can we do? 

It’s up to the likes of me and you 

Copyright Linda Lawrence Sept 2022


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