Sunday, 27 September 2020

Simple regulations


Simple regulations


Just wear a mask on your face

Give all people some extra space!

Wash your hands, keep them clean,

They might be hoarding things unseen.


We're frightened of invisible infection;

But we are lucky on reflection

We're living in the 21st century

Spoilt with modern technology.


In world war one, men so young,

So many died, hero's unsung.

A global pandemic, the Spanish Flu

It killed so many and out of the blue.


And then the Nazis killed many millions

The innocent lives of great civilians.

Global economic crisis, the consequence

And all we need is common-sense!


The Holocaust, The Korean war,

Worldwide unemployment we can’t ignore!

The famine, the elder generation know of

The years of rebuild, their labour of love.


We really have got no idea -

What hardship was during those years!

There has been much misery and war -

We've got a lot to answer for.

Some complain we wear a visor;

Rules are taken from our advisor.

Where we have food, shelter and heat

Hot running water in every street.


This might be a new outbreak

But with every new daybreak

The answer's simple, a small change

In our perspective, to us so strange.


Wear a mask, keep your distance -

Not a tall order to keep our existence!

But why so many with such resistance

We can beat this thing with our persistence!


We’ve got technology and Zoom!

It’s not like it was, the doom and gloom.

Spread the love, spread the word

So much support, we know, we've heard.


Mobile phones, P.C’s and even Netflix!

Instant entertainment with just a click.

We shouldn’t be moaning or feeling depressed

Hard-pressed or feeling stressed.


Just wear a mask, wash your hands!

Everyone in every land.

Simply follow all regulations

It will keep us safe, for generations.


Linda Lawrence September 2020


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Terribly undecided!


Terribly undecided!


Thought this extra inch

Was going to be a cinch

But it's only made me flinch!

And since lockdown

Its coloured grey and brown.


It's easier when it's shortened,

Sticking up, spiky and

Completely off my face!

And really don't embrace

Now its taking up too much space!


Its started to look uncared for -

Getting harder to ignore.

It needs a bit of shifting,

Some height and stuck up lifting!

Its started to become a chore.


It's going to stay short

Upkeep it to stay fair

And as a last resort

Am having that extra inch

Cut right off my hair!


Now there is a kink

And wanting it to shrink!

There is so much extra sweat

That's dripping from my neck

Beginning to look like a wreck.


I really do like

The way it used to spike -

The way it stuck out

And have no doubt

That now it looks washed out.


Blow dried it upside down

Rubbed in some daily glue

Teased it from the crown

Really like my old hairdo

Now that my hair is lying down.

But people say

Its looking nice today!

Not the usual

Awry and flyaway -

With a softer length array.


Longer here and there -

This really is quite rare!

I don't feel so unhinged

And not so much of a cringe

By having a longer fringe.

Maybe a little bit more growing

Until it's long and flowing!

Will have to use

More moose and gel

Keep the wax in the fridge as well.

But its taking longer to tweak

And needing more upkeep

With new techniques

And hair around my cheeks

In between and so unique.


Its looking newfangled

And gained many tangles

In places looks strangled

And the fringe now, it dangles

Now theres more to handle.


So its really no surprise

That Im having a wrangle

Completely undecided

Terribly divided

While the fringe gets in my eyes!



 Copyright Linda Lawrence



Saturday, 19 September 2020

It won't be killed off!


It won’t be killed off!


I said ‘please don’t buy me a plant

I tend to overfeed or forget’

The friend who did not want to marry

She said ‘don’t worry they live off neglect’.


And for one of my special birthdays

A beautiful selection of cactus;

From far away land and desert

I really felt so out of practice!


‘But I’ve killed off plants of spider

The most stoic of plants on this land’

She said to ‘talk to it nicely -

It needs sun and water beforehand’.


It really was twee to start off with

Some with flowers, some not,

Made sure it was watered weekly

And kept it somewhere hot.


Its’ lived in three different houses -

If only it could chat!

It’s seen two children grow up

With a mixture of kittens and cats!


It knows of my broken marriage,

It’s seen some smiles and tears,

It’s seen success and failure -

So much over these thirty years!


Got to say it now looks phallic

Grown huge and had many repottings

Not easy with so many pricks;

A lengthy bit fell off that was rotting.


It really won’t be killed off,

It is so hardy and strong!

We’ve had to cut it down now -

It really did get much too long!


Thank you, my friend, for your gift

I knew it was bought in jest

And just like our friendship so long ago

I know we’ve all been blessed.


My friend she finally married

She’s happy and I am now too!

The house the plant now lives in

And all that we’ve been through.


Copyright Linda Lawrence


19th September 2020