Sunday 13 August 2017

Throw away the key!

Throw away the key

Put the politicians with the bankers
And other wankers!
And the dodgy world leaders
With the other bleeders.
The despots with the tosspots
The dictators with the traitors,
The Prime minister -
With someone sinister.
Give ISIS an identity crisis:
The propagandist -
With others more outlandish;
Democrats with some other rats.
The bureaucracy, full of hypocrisy and
Your public affairs
 Need urgent repairs!
Why don’t you talk straight!
Instead you procrastinate
Elaborate or abdicate!
We really don’t care,
We just want fair!
With all your airs and graces
There are traces of
Racism, extremism.
(Politics with brains in their dicks....)

I’m sure the majority
Would like to put these authorities
All in a huge pot!
And make sure it’s boiling hot?
Give it a stir, put on the top and
Let it simmer in a gloomy room
To talk of impending doom.
Throw away the key
And let you and me
And the rest of the world to sort the problems out.....

August 2017

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