Saturday 8 February 2014

Is it time?

Is it time?

The river Lea is like the sea;
Gone the paddling for you and me.
We all kept cats in houses and flats
To keep at bay the river rats.
And as we dipped our infantile toes,
Walked along the slippery stepping stones.
The sandcastles at the seaside
Now used for bags for waves to ride.
As now it has become abhorrent
The flooding due to rains of torrents
And many pretty streams down south
Losing beginnings and ends of their mouth.
As we watch, so helpless as rivers swell
Under this spell of weather hell
(It really is no thanks to the Yanks
Our brooks are bursting their river banks)
And of the Gulf Stream that can’t be seen
Making mud canals from our pastures green.
Wish we had a magic potion
To stop our streets becoming oceans.
As white horses and deep sea spray
Now waiting for a victim of prey.
Buildings, land, drown in tidal waves
As railways get lost in salty burial graves.
We’ll soon need to wear arm bands
Now the water is reaching further inland
And now the floods have made their mark
We ask – is it time to build an ark?

Copyright Linda Lawrence

7th February 2014

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