Friday 6 May 2022





Tomato sauce that's in the sachet -

Would like it with my breakfast today!

Using my teeth to open it up, but

After chipping my tooth, it's in their stuck!


Slimy, slippery package sends my BP high;

My breakfast gets cooler as time passes by.

Tomato sauce I'd like on my plate,

To pour over my mushrooms before it's too late!


Can't rip it, or squash it, now trying to tear it,

Used my knife to cut it and just cannot bear it!

Sliced my finger, drawn blood but not the same zest

Think after all this, I just need a rest!


It's slipped out of my hand and into my tea -

There's really no hope for this sachet and me!

It's a matter of time before I throttle

And ask why we can't have back the humble bottle.


The vinegar, mayo brown sauce is all the same

Still in their sachets with their trade names.

Think they just dont want us to have it

As they stay stuck in their plasticy packets.


It really has proven extremely tough

And beginning to feel so out of puff,

And the red condiment we call tomato sauce

Is still in their pouches to open of course...


Copyright Linda Lawrence

May 2022


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