Wednesday 11 November 2020





Carnage and bloodshed filled the room

The fight wore on, days were consumed

Each in-line and all assembled

Anyone in that lounge would have trembled.


With trepidation, the conflict began

May the invasion be won by the best man!

The Knights they took some mighty blows;

It had to be taken on the nose.

Bit by bit, pieces were taken

A strategic move that saved some bacon!

Then the piece that was the Queen

Was out of sight, not to be seen.


Now, this is war! The strongest mover

Was seized after a wrong manoeuvre!

But the Castle was tougher and took an Empress

It's even now with a little less stress.


All the great fighters’ one by one 

Blacks’ verses whites neither would be outdone

On this battlefield now so many have been lost

So few defences and the line has been crossed.


On either side, so much contriving,

With tactical planning and surviving!

One wrong move, all would be lost

So Much destroyed  all at a high cost


The King and his saviour by his side

Not going to let him get occupied!

With the kind of looks that could kill

Looks like it might be a standstill.


The combat wore on for a number of days

Some were good, some not so brave.

But neither side would abdicate

And ended up as a stalemate!


Linda Lawrence


Inspired by Peter who taught me well!



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