Friday, 13 December 2019

The trouble with the UK

The trouble with the UK...

My eyes have not streamed
(Had more funny dreams)
And I have not succumbed
To the cream that numbs
Coz that fucking itch
Has been such a bitch.
Its been so much fun!
So much warmth from the sun!
Its been easy to breathe;
Forever stuffed up I seethe.
And during this time away,
A few days on holiday;
Away from the sneezing
And the hot sun - not freezing!
My sinuses, ears, nose, and eyes
Have not run, got blocked up or cried.
No snot, gunk, nosebleed or headache
Or take a painkiller for everyones sake!
A few days without nasal spray -
Didnt need the steroid today.
Nor antihistamines to calm histamines
Stayed packed, not to be seen.
Opened my eyes in the sea
To help the dry eye in me and
Swallowed enough of the ocean
To stop the ailments in motion
And my pollen infested ears
For a few days disappeared!
Ive been told that Britain is cold
And London is icy, not paved with gold.
But it doesnt stop the sniffing, wheezing,
And sneezing- even when its freezing!
And I as go through immigration
I dont feel much elation
As by the time I reach home
I will start to moan.
The itch will be back
And before I hit the sack
My eyes will be full of tears
And wont be too pleased.
From grass, pollen, all through the year.
None of these while away
Not even reactions holding a Ray!

Dont mean to sound rude
But can only conclude
That during the last few days away
I can only be allergic to the UK.

Linda Lawrence

November 2019