Saturday 26 September 2015

Med dread

Med dread

Well, I’ve read all information,
Know my title and address,
My age and the generic name,
Exactly how much I possess.

I know who prescribed these meds,
The pharmacy it was dispensed!
Read the English translation;
Know the date when to commence.

The guidelines how it must be used
The way it needs to be applied.
I know how long it will last
But been unable to comply.

It’s kept just inside the fridge
Until it’s out of date,
Am well informed of what it will do
And even know its weight!

But is this child or adult proof
Am getting quite annoyed!
If I could only start to use it
I would be thoroughly overjoyed!

I’ve turned it this way and that
And trying to stay calm.
Have even resorted to blackmail
But can’t quite twist its arm.

I’ve pushed pulled, used a knife
To open it before end of shelf life.
Nearly thrown it out of the window
As it’s given me so much strife!

I’ve reread the instructions
But can’t find what I need.
There’s no further information;
Think I will have to concede.

Can’t seem to prize it open;
I’ve given it a nudge,
Spoke to it nicely but
The cap, it just won’t budge!

Copyright Linda Lawrence
26th September 2015
(Inspired by Winifred)

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