Friday 6 February 2009

Yellowy Fever

Speaks for itself.....

Yellowy fever...

My daughter (somehow) lost her shoe
Off a railway station onto the track!
She said 'Oh damn it
My favourite yellow footwear'!
Felt embarrassed to look and go back!

She phoned her fella in total despair -
'I can't possibly hop all the way home'!
He said 'But supposing there's more shoes
And they can't find yours'?
'But I'm a size two'! (She swore down the phone)

'There'll only be one bright yellow shoe -
To match my yellow knit hat'!
In between the the strongest of volts
And the high speed trains -
'I'm sure they won't mind about that'?

So 999 was dialed;
The fire fighters in their full regalia.
The bravest of men
Took tentative steps
Threw themselves into shoe-finding mania.

But alas, it was much too late,
Run over, looked like a strip of long paint.
Stuck on the wheel - the brightest of yellows
Looked like a strobe lighting
And the people of London felt faint.

The trains and city came to a halt,
Coz there's a new type of bug going 'round
(Some kind of yellowy fever)
She's been told to use more super glue
So her shoes in the future don't leave her!

For my daft daughter

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