Saturday 20 October 2007

There's no such thing

For Joseph, only I haven't told him the bad news yet..........!

There's no such thing
How disappointing this will be-
There's no real fairy on the Christmas tree,
No Elves, nor goblins or pixies in sight;
Or a Father Christmas who creeps in late at night.
I think you're old enough for the truth
That there's no pretty fairy that collected your tooth.
I pass on to you what I have sadly been told,
That at the end of the rainbow there's no pot of gold.
No reindeer riding over our cold Christmas sky,
No toys made in Lapland, so why do you we lie?
The UFO's only in your minds' eye
As an invisible spaceship orbits and flies.
And the ghost that you said freaked you out
They don't exist - there's no phantom about!
Or angels with wings nor magic fairy dust
And neither have people been born on cusps.
All your imaginary friends' are in your head -
And what of the bogeyman under your bed?
I'm sorry to say there's no fairyland,
But know all this magic has lent a hand.
It's Mum and Dad who hid your teeth
Somewhere high and out of reach.
We made an effort and made a fuss
And now you know it was really us!
But through childhood they've helped you to grow

Into a perfect little boy so lovely to know.

Copyright Linda Lawrence
16th October 2007


Linda said...

Don't tell him yet!

Ray said...

I think he just wants to believe now!