Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Disqualify !




Am missing Corrie and the Chase

And checking the time on the clock face.

The News at ten is now on at half past

Tomorrow's weather - wrong time and forecast.


All the loose women have gone awry

Dont know how and dont know why!

But they have lost their womanly slot

And what is good in the honey pot.


Television viewing is now under attack,

Great old favourites have now been put back.

Emmerdale and the great London Eastenders; 

The feeling I get is of a contender!


Gone are the familiar faces

Yorkshire, Manchester, familiar places,

Tipping point, tipping coins - simplicity

Answering questions over a cup of tea.


I switch on the TV and what do I see?

A ball being kicked, a whistle blowing referee!

Missing soaps and murders I didn't foresee -

And pay every year for this 'great' BBC!


The fights, the fallouts intrigue and drama

Somehow when watching makes me feel calmer!

I like enjoy catastrophe in casualty.

The soaps, the acting the inhumanity.


It's all gone wrong and very cockeyed

Just want it all back and be goggle-eyed!

This really is unjustified

They should go home and be disqualified!


I wish the chit chat of the panel

Would find themselves another channel

With all the commentary and the flannel

Am finding it more and more like banal


Every four years has become a dread -

Not everyone is a fan it must be said!

To indulge in programs with what should be on

And want what is now on TV - just be gone!


Copyright Linda Lawrence


28th November 2022