Sunday, 10 October 2021

Autumn sun

 Autumn sun


Another blanket on my bed,

Feeling cooler, cover my head.

A morning frost feeling the chill

The start of autumn - what a thrill!


Intricate cobwebs bathed in morning dew;

Fallen leaves beneath my shoes!

Vivid colours, orange red and gold;

Catching a virus, a common cold.


Ripening acorns from tall oaks;

Approaching Halloween with a hoax!

Conkers from the horse chestnut tree,

A game we played, just you and me.


Autumn sunshine, morning mist,

Countryside the clouds just kissed

Darker days, feeling lazy.

Autumn sun blurred and hazy.


Harvest moon again - too soon!

Homemade soup in the afternoon.

It only seems a minute since last June.

Now it's gloomy at high noon.


The strength is weak now in the sun,

The autumn days have now begun.

Summer now has been done.

Extra layers of clothes for everyone.


Spiders in homes look for a mate -

In our house to copulate!

Our pets stay in the welcome warm.

Colours outside have been transformed!


Clocks go back before November -

Christmas approaching in December.

But let's enjoy autumn - it is so splendid -

Dreary days cheered up as nature intended!


Copyright Linda Lawrence


9th October 2021