Monday, 22 April 2019

Salty kiss

Salty kiss

Beautiful creation 
Perfect cetacean;
And some flirtation!
In Pretty location.

Rubbery lips,
Salty kiss!
Got my wish -
Swum with big fish!

Friendly orca,
Rainbow aura;
Been to snorkel
Though the coral.

Felt her skin;
Held fin to swim
Made me grin
From cheeks to chin!

Had a purpose
It was gorgeous -
And enormous!
This grey porpoise

Charming  creature
Talking screecher!
Wanted to reach her
Stunning features.

Dolphin, lion seal
Really real!
Felt surreal
Felt unreal.

Linda Lawrence


Thursday, 11 April 2019

Missing things!

Missing things!

Miss you both and lots of things:
Hair in the bath, overflowing bins!
Mugs in the attic, washing galore.
Missing all these things, like never before!

And the stuff I found up in the loft;
Whatever left in that bag had a bad waft!
A drink and a sandwich with mould that was growing
I didn’t look, so no way of knowing!

You've gone away; it's much too quiet;
No Sunday mixing, singing with all the riot!
No have a good shift or have a good day
And it's been so extremely different today.

All meals eaten, no dinners' kept aside,
Your fish and chips welcome at the seaside!
The cat is sulking as there's no soft bed
Or to curl up to you and rest her head.

The airing cupboard is free from your tops;
No ins and outs popping out to the shops!
Towels in the bathroom are too neat and tidy -
Just glad you'll be home before Good Friday!

No banter in the morning, it's just so serene
Am really hating this house that's so clean!
Shampoo, conditioner, body-wash in place -
Would rather have the whole lot misplaced!

No high five, jokes and laughter;
No washing on the floor to ask after.
It’s so quiet, morning evening and night-
Please come back soon - it ain’t quite right!
