Monday, 16 January 2017



I'll try to come back as a Butterfly, 
To fly with freedom in the clouds and sky.
You might know it's me passing you by
And wondered if we ever said goodbye.   

I'll appear from nowhere in your front room;          Your stairs in winter when it feels like gloom.
A glimpse at night under a bright full moon
And you'll know I'll reappear again very soon.

You might of thought I was in decline -
But wanted a Butterfly to be mine!
I'll surprise you on a special date - a sign
That I'm still around you all the time!

My Butterfly will do special things;
Remind you what your life will bring,
But life can be delicate like my fragile wings,
My colours and scales need nurturing.

A Common Blue or Swallowtail might be me!
And a Peacock might flutter on your tree!
An Orange Tip or Painted lady I'll be,
Still very much part of your family tree.

Next time you see a Tortoiseshell or Cabbage White
Don't think that you're all alone in your plight,
Just watch me among the flowers in mid flight.
And I'll try to put you on the path that's right.

Copyright Linda Lawrence (For my Dad)

16th January 2017

Just cleaning up

Cleaned up my bathroom today thinking you were dirt

Realised too late you were so fragile and didn’t intend to hurt.

You were only here for a while, didn’t want to cut it short

I thought of all the other giants you’ve stood up to and have fought.


I know you didn’t like them my friend, hovering around your head

But she was only flying to salvation, toward the light instead.

If only I had the power to give you a brighter moon

Maybe your quality of life could be better and didn’t end so soon.


Mother nature made you pretty with your colourful markings

The gentle way you flap with your tiny little wings

One of many Gods’ precious creatures’, miniscule thing

And that I didn’t see you, I have tears in my eyes that sting.


Sorry little insect, you were on my wooden floor

I didn’t see you near the bathroom scales, just behind the door.

I cleaned up today, swiped you away with dirty yellow cloth

You deserved a long life on earth, minute little moth.


Copyright Linda Lawrence

23rd August 2006

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

New Year!

Happy New Year!

The fireworks burnt out, the celebrations over;
An array of pretty colours, a New Year now hung-over!
And soon the workers back to their old work load
Walking on the slippery, black iced darkened road.

School is back to normal after festive treats,
Wanting to stay in bed beneath the warmer sheets.
Books with all Christmas hymns have all now been sung;
Now the brand New Year has only just begun.

Wind and rain are here again and frost is on the grass.
Cars are frozen cold, hearing the scraping of the glass.
People wrapped up in coats and scarves shiver in the weather;
Animals trying to keep warm, huddled up together.

Winter solstice turns the corner wanting spring to start;
Planted bulbs come into life, putting warmth back in my heart!
The daylight hours longer, the summer's on its way,
Thinking of a holiday and time to get away!

The animals and insects that start to procreate;
The shrubs and flowers and trees that regenerate.
Yearning for the spring time quickly to arrive,
Wake up every morning feeling more alive!

And soon it will be Mothers' day with all our children caring;
Open arms and open hands with gifts they will be bearing.
Soon after lent with Easter day close after;
Children's games of hunting eggs with some fun and laughter.

Pink and white blossom leaves grown on pretty trees,
A typical spring day hearing all the birds and bees!
Marvelling at the tulips and the crocus flowers;
Dancing in the rain during the April showers!

And as I walk through the crunchy brown leaves,
A reminder of winter with an icy cold breeze.
The autumn foliage in the roads rotting and decaying;
A fast ride in the snow, watching people sleighing!

While we are still in the season of the wintry throes,
Wearing all our warmer, woolly winter clothes.
Waking up to sub zero, hot water bottle cool;
Wishing we could skip this time of year of cold and Yule.

Copyright Linda Lawrence

4th January 2017