Thursday, 3 December 2015



Ready for Christmas - no! Not yet!
It breaks me out in a cold sweat!
Yuletide started in September;
I want those cards to dismember!
Valentine for sale on Boxing Day
I'd shut all shops if I had my way!

Mothers day is fast arriving,
On this day the florists are thriving.
Plants and chocs they fill the shelves,
With Easter Eggs and not much else.
We should be celebrating Christmas day
And not be led so much astray.

Guy Fawkes, New year, they coincide;
Am very confused - it's so cockeyed!
He tried to blow up houses in November,
Now we're lighting up the sky in December!
Now some thoughts of forthcoming lent
And I think of all the money spent.

We have to take the decorations down;
But there are January sales in every town!
With bargains around for Fathers' day,
My credit card company I have to repay.
It's very cold with snow on the street
Need to get home for some bubble and squeak.

Summer holiday booked while so freezing,
The sand, sea and sun are teasing.
Baubles and tinsel are still glistening -
The T.V.'s blaring but no one is listening!
Am thinking about the trick or treats.
And keeping aside some festive sweets.

The flashing lights on homes galore
It's much too early - what a bore!
Everything seems so topsy turvy
And each year, it seems so early.
And as we tuck into too much Turkey,
It feels as if we've got too quirky!

Copyright Linda Lawrence
