Come down now and brush your teeth -
Get rid of all the gunk beneath!
Scrub deep down and underneath
Coz they might fall out and give you grief!
Use your toothbrush thrice a day,
Prevent the rot and green decay
And before the dentist has his say,
I'll nag you 'till you brush today!
Your friends and others will run a mile
When they smell your breath, so vile!
With missing teeth, you won't smile;
You haven't cleaned your teeth for a while?
Your future girlfriends won't want to snog
or view your profile on your blog,
With rotting molars and toothy gaps -
Your dentist will be busy building caps.
Years of treatments, years of pain -
Another appointment (yet again)
You're not silly and have a brain;
To have black nashers would be a shame.
You don't want early dentures, son
To remove and soak - it ain't no fun
There's no need to answer back or get shirty
But avoid an appointment for tooth thirty......
January 2011